Marketing Coaching clarifies communications goals — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

Marketing Coaching helped New Hope Peru focus on clear communication goals and priorities.

As a ministry communicator, your priority list is long but your time (and capacity!) are short. How do you juggle it all? How do you determine what to focus on first? And how do you figure out the best way to use the tools you already have?

This is where New Hope Peru found itself. Together, we determined that Marketing Coaching could help.

Kumveka's Marketing Coaching provides you with a dedicated, best-in-class industry expert from our team to help you accomplish your communications goals. It's client-led, meaning we'll coach you through what you want to focus on, all with an eye toward helping you best steward your time and resources. Marketing Coaching gives you:

  • Dedicated time with a communications expert
  • Best practices insights
  • Prioritized activities and milestones
  • Recommendations for optimizing your existing tools (newsletter, website, etc.)

New Hope Peru's Director of Communications Julie Bolos spent dedicated time with our Senior Strategist Erin Braford developing goals and a process for creating a marketing plan for the ministry. They also built a dashboard that allows Julie to track progress on her communications goals. The entire process has given her clearer direction her role, capacity, and priorities.

Curious about how Marketing Coaching could help you? Get in touch with us to learn more.

