Meet the Team — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

Meet the Team

Experienced ministry marketing professionals using our gifts to serve you.


Meet the Team

Experienced ministry marketing professionals using our gifts to serve you.


Executive Director

Dan's journey has taken him from brand management at Procter & Gamble to Christian retail, and then three years serving in East Asia doing business as mission. It's there God gave him the vision for Kumveka, which he founded in 2009. In addition to his work with us, Dan serves on the boards of Church Hill Activities and Tutoring, Imago Dei Neighborhood School, and as an elder at Northside Church of Richmond. He lives, learns, and enjoys his coffee dark roasted and black in Richmond, Virginia, with his wife Sara and four children.

Creative Director Autumn Lunsford

Creative Director

From initial concept to final product, Autumn offers creative vision and a heart for the ways God is working in the world. With a background in corporate branding and design, she's been a Kumveka team member from the very beginning. Fueled in part by raspberry white mochas, Autumn lives and creates in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with her husband and four children.

Senior Strategist Audrey Reeves


Audrey is gifted at taking big ideas and turning them into actionable, meaningful steps. She honed those skills while working in corporate communications, managing web advertising, and developing web content. Married to Eric and a mom of three, Audrey grows things in her garden, sings and plays piano, explores the outdoors, and cups her hands around freshly ground black coffee or chai tea.


Senior Copywriter
& Project Manager

Pen on paper or fingers on keyboard, Amy loves to write. Her copywriting experience includes work in retail marketing, as well as faith-based ministries. Amy lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she explores the city with her husband and two boys, volunteers with her church's English as a Second Language (ESL) and children's ministries, serves as PTO president at her boys’ school, and savors a warm mug of local roast (black please).

Senior Graphic Designer Ben Johnson

Senior Graphic Designer

Ben’s passions align when graphic design and branding come together to serve and equip ministries. He’s used his gifts to do just that, first with Cru and then with one of the largest multi-campus churches in the U.S. Based just outside Cincinnati, Ohio, Ben is husband to Katie, dad to Wylder and Wren, a rock climber, podcast and audiobook listener, owner of two golden doodles, and black coffee drinker.


Tracye Woodfin
Team Administrator

Using her administrative gifts to help organize and contribute to a team is just one way Tracye serves. Before Kumveka, she was a stay at home mom, an office manager for a large church and worked as the administrative and clinic Coordinator for a graduate training program at a university. You'll also find her spending time with her family, cooking, baking, painting, crafting, knitting, hospitality, and volunteering at her church. Tracye is married, a mother to two boys, and has a golden doodle named Chewie. She prefers Blanchard's Dark as Dark with steamed milk and a little sugar if she needs some coffee.


At Kumveka, my passion for excellent visuals, sound strategy, and mission-minded clients converge.

– Ben Johnson, Sr. Graphic Designer

At Kumveka, my passion for excellent visuals, sound strategy, and mission-minded clients converge.

– Ben Johnson, Sr. Graphic Designer

Our Board of Directors

Kumveka Board Member Randy Holmes

Board Member

For more than 30 years, architect Randy Holmes has specialized in the design, renovation, and adaptive reuse of historic buildings or projects in unique settings. Now Senior Principal and President at Glave and Holmes Architecture, he’s passionate about creating in a way that elevates the human spirit and pursuing the intersection of architecture and theology. Randy is an elder at Stony Point Church, serves on the board for Youth Camps for Christ, and is a member of the American Institute of Architects.


Board Member

Nick Johnson, a Corporate Account Executive with Microsoft Corporation, was drawn to serve alongside Kumveka when he met Dan Kennedy and was introduced to the impact that clear, compelling communication has on our ministry clients and their work. Nick’s passion is his family and his relationship with Christ. He and his wife have three children and together they enjoy soccer, field hockey, and golf. He’s also actively involved in his church’s Staff Parish Relations Committee.


Board Member

A longtime foundation executive with a heart for what God is doing around the world, Fritz Kling serves as president of the Kansas- based DeBoer Foundation. In that role, he’s spent significant time working with leaders in Myanmar through the Foundation’s innovative leadership development program. He’s married to Valerie, has three adult children, and spends his free time volunteering, jogging, and working out. He was recently inspired by an 80+ year old mentor and boss to learn to play the piano, and the early returns are questionable.