A plan to reach more women — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

A strong marketing and media plan helped PRC get the word out.

A healthy marketing plan starts with a goal. For Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond (PRC) that goal was simple: reach more women at risk for abortion. The next step? Chart out how to do that.

We outlined a plan that focused on three elements:

The channels: Reaching women where they're at by focusing on social media and outdoor advertising.

  • Social media Facebook and Instagram allows us to target specific locations and demographics.
  • Social media ad delivery is quick. Once you upload a visual and push a button, your ad is live.
  • Poster billboards are large and noticeable. PRC's target demographic (and bonus! many others) will see them whether they're walking, driving, or using public transportation.
  • By using billboards in specific locations, we can ensure they're in highly trafficked areas where women are likely to see them.
  • Believe it or not, they're a budget-friendly option. And with the number of people seeing them each day, the return on investment can be high.


Poster billboards are large, visible, and local.

Poster billboards are large, visible, and local.

The message: Letting women know PRC is here for them and can confirm their pregnancies at no charge

  • A woman facing an unexpected pregnancy has two needs: emotional and logical.
  • A dual message of we're here for you and we can confirm your pregnancy not only meets this need, but also reaches more women.
  • These messages complement each other, allowing for a cohesive look and feel.

The audience: Honing on the specific areas in and around Richmond where PRC's audience lives and works

  • PRC serves a broad area. A defined focus gives their advertising more "bang for their buck."
  • By identifying four of PRC's highest served zip codes, we can target both the social media and outdoor ads.
  • And very simply, targeting these zip codes increases the probability women will see the ads on their phones or while they're out and about.

The media plan: Identifying what helps PRC reach more women at risk for abortion

  • Run the social media and billboard ads concurrently. In this case, four weeks.
  • Measure their effectiveness by 1) asking PRC clients how they heard about their services 2) Using Facebook and Instagram's robust ad tools.
  • Report on findings and determine the best next steps for PRC.
