Case Study: Serge — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

A mission agency with more than 220 missionaries serving around the world, World Harvest Mission—now known as Serge—is built on a foundation of incarnational ministry—sharing the gospel out of a sense of grit, wonder, and joy—and their own need for renewal. Serge also creates materials and training that help others grow personally and in one-on-one mentorship.


As the ministry has grown and changed, it became apparent that there was a need to more clearly communicate who Serge is and how God uses them to serve.







The most central solutions we provided Serge’s leadership team were strategic, change management consulting and a robust launch plan (including pre-launch tools to communicate the change to their internal staff and stakeholders).

In addition to this consulting, Kumveka partnered with Serge to create solutions that included research, a new name and brand, refreshed identity applications and website, videos, new marketing tools, and a brand guideline.


Kumveka produced two videos for the Serge brand rollout: a Leadership Endorsement video and a Vision video.

Kumveka produced two videos for the Serge brand rollout: a Leadership Endorsement video and a Vision video.

The meaning of Serge

The meaning of Serge

FAQ sheet: Part of a robust Rollout Plan and Toolkit

FAQ sheet: Part of a robust Rollout Plan and Toolkit

Business Cards

Business Cards

Serge Brand Architecture

Serge Brand Architecture



"Kumveka educated our staff [on the new brand] and in doing so built our internal capabilities. They helped us get the greatest outcome from the limited resources we have to invest."

–Eileen O'Gorman, former Serge Communication Director


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