Case Study: Our Daily Bread Subscriber Experience — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

Since 1938, Our Daily Bread Ministries has made the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to everyone. Perhaps their most well known publication is the monthly devotional, Our Daily Bread. 


One of the ways the ministry distributes Our Daily Bread is through people who sign up to hand out copies to others. The ministry wanted to improve this group's experience at every touchpoint, from initial invitation to the box they receive in the mail—and beyond. 



Our team conducted qualitative interviews with these distributors to develop an audience persona on which our creative concept was built. The proposed visuals and messaging focused on encouragement—a pillar of Our Daily Bread Ministries' existing brand.

Our complete set of solutions included an experience audit, qualitative interviews, audience persona, user experience map, program name, and enhanced user experience concepts.

Before / After

Before / After


Welcome Card - concept

Welcome Card - concept

You’re a Blessing Card - concept

You’re a Blessing Card - concept


KV-Icon_Double Speech Bubble.png

"Kumveka has had transformational impact on our organization. They have significantly moved the needle on how we view relationships with our supporters, and have reshaped how we view our content—making it more centered on our audience."

–David Fik, VP Innovation and Customer Experience (Our Daily Bread)

Digital Communication Tools

Digital Communication Tools

Enhanced User Experience - full concept

Enhanced User Experience - full concept


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