Marketing Partner Case Study — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

Sometimes you need a partner to help you accomplish your communication goals or get you across the finish line of a long-term project. An ongoing partnership with Kumveka—also known as a retainer—could be the right fit for your ministry. You get access to an expert team ready to get you what you need, and do it quickly and cost-effectively.

Read on to learn how this solution made it possible for our ministry clients to multiply effectiveness and communicate clearly.


The wide variety of ministries highlighted here had similar needs: additional capacity to better serve internal and external audiences and greater flexibility to quickly address opportunities and develop key communication tools.



Every one of these partnerships started with collaborative effort to create a plan aligned to each ministry’s goals. From there, our team developed custom solutions to help them meet those goals, from a brand refresh and bimonthly magazine to social media ads and creative direction.

Marketing Partnership Makes Sense:

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Fractional: You get the expertise you need from our team—including strategy, research, graphic design, copywriting—and nothing you don’t.
You say when. Together we figure out a prioritized plan and adjust quickly to your ongoing needs.
Frees Capacity: You focus on your mission. We’ll take care of what moves it forward.

A S S O C I A T I O N   O F   C H R I S T I A N   S C H O O L S

Deliverables: Aligned Communication Priorities, Brand Architecture, Visual and Tagline, Cohesive Messaging, Email Newsletter, Brand Photography Style, Membership Campaign Material, and Teacher Development Guide


E N C O M P A S S   W O R L D   P A R T N E R S

Deliverables: Brand Assessment Survey, Communication Plan, Blog strategy, Social media strategy and execution, Ministry toolkits for Encompass workers, Within Reach Magazine, Annual reports, Communication training, Organizational Capacity, Monthly donor newsletter, Story-driven monthly receipt letters, Recruiting rack card, Recruiting journal, and Christmas card


P R C   O F   M E T R O   R I C H M O N D

Deliverables: Leadership Alignment Workshop, Advertising Test, Audience Persona, Marketing and Media Plan, Social Media Ad Series, Outdoor Ad Series, Radio Ad, Instagram Posts, and Website Design


T H I N K   E A S T   A F R I C A

Deliverables: Email Newsletter consulting, Messaging Strategy, Sample Messaging, Website Audit/Recommendations, Presenation Template, Website copy, Infographic, Overview packet, and Photo Audit/Organization/Direction


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