Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Case Study — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

The annual giving campaign of the International Mission Board (IMB), the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is key to helping Southern Baptist missionaries take the gospel to unreached people around the world. Every dollar given to this collective effort of Southern Baptist churches goes to the work of reaching every nation with the gospel.


When we started our work with IMB in 2016, they were in the midst of considerable change, with new leadership, processes, and partnerships. They turned to us for creative strategy to guide the campaign and creative execution of the marketing pieces in support of it.



Our strategy each year focused on the two audiences who receive Lottie Moon materials: pastors and church members. It was our goal to create pieces that were easy to use and compelled people to lead their churches, pray for missionaries, and give to the offering. A creative theme served as an anchor for the visuals and messaging.

During the four years we worked on this campaign, IMB raised $628 million for missions.


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The Gospel Resounds

Campaign Applications: Leader Guide, Bookmarks, Week of Prayer Guide, Offering Envelope, Gifts at Work Catalog


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Invest in Eternal Impact

Campaign Applications: Leader Guide, Bookmarks, Week of Prayer Guide, Offering Envelope, Gifts at Work Catalog, Giving Posters, Social Media, Campaign Guidelines

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Every Church. Every Nation.

Campaign Applications: Letter, Leader Guide, Gifts at Work Catalog, Video Resources, Week of Prayer Guide, Offering Envelopes, Large Wall Poster, Email Campaign, Magazine Ads, Presentation Template, Social Media Graphic Tiles, Campaign Guidelines

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Campaign Applications: Letter, Leader Guide, Gifts at Work Catalog, Video Resources, Week of Prayer Guide, Offering Envelopes, Large Wall Poster, Email Campaign, Magazine Ads, Presentation Template, Social Media Graphic Tiles, Campaign Guidelines


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