Case Study: Elijah House Academy — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

A growing K-8 school in urban Richmond, Virginia, Elijah House Academy is committed to providing an accessible Christ-centered education to children who may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend a Christian school. It’s their mission to cultivate their hearts, minds, and bodies for God’s glory and Richmond’s flourishing.


As school enrollment continues to rise—along with the need for community support—the Elijah House team needed refreshed messaging and visuals that clearly told their story to their diverse audiences: students, parents, staff, and donors.



The project began with qualitative and quantitative research to gather input and better understand the needs of each audience. That knowledge helped us build out a inclusive brand that speaks to each them, grounded in the school’s mission and centered on the idea of becoming. This came to life in the messaging and visual identity, as well as the other communication tools built to support the brand.





Symbolism in Brandmark

Symbolism in Brandmark

Brand Color Palette

Brand Color Palette

Custom Brand Icons

Custom Brand Icons


"After over 25 years of educational ministry to the children of our city, Kumveka offered EHA an opportunity to listen deeply to our stakeholders with the goal of communicating our mission with fresh clarity. They equipped us in many ways, but none more powerful than our mark and tagline. Our mark is visually compelling and our tagline, "Becoming," profoundly speaks to both who we are and what we are doing."

–Jesse Kell, Head of School


P H O T O G R A P H Y   +

B R A N D   L A U N C H   &   R E C R U I T I N G   V I D E O S

In partnership with Silent Images

Photoshoot, in partnership with Silent Images

Photoshoot, in partnership with Silent Images

Branded Stationery

EHA-ID-Applications Mockup-01.png

Admissions Brochure

soft-cover-mock-57 copy.png

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