Digital Marketing Case Study — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

From email and social media to searching and shopping, it’s safe to say your ministry’s audience is online. Digital marketing is a simple, quick, and critical way you can reach them with your mission and message in the places they already are.

This was our goal with the ministry clients featured here.


Each client had different audiences to reach, but all wanted to motivate them action. Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond wanted to reach more women facing unexpected pregnancy. Our Daily Bread needed to draw new users into a new video devotion offering. IMB looked to engage existing audiences to pray for missionaries and give to their annual giving campaign. Cary Christian School’s focus was to invite their community into an exciting vision for the future.



While each client received a digital marketing plan tailored to their needs, we began these projects at the same starting point: identifying measures of success, the audience to reach, and the strategy and tactics to do that.

From there, we developed compelling visuals and messaging aligned with the strategy and each client’s existing brand elements to fit seamlessly in with their other marketing elements.

A Digital Marketing Plan includes:


Key Metric: Defines success for your marketing efforts. Examples include leads generated or new donors giving.
Audience Persona:
A specific profile of your Target Audience.
Marketing Strategies: The intentional approach for moving your Audience towards your Key Metric. 
Messaging Matrix: Outlines consistent messaging for each Audience.
Calendar: The timeline for plan execution.

P R C   O F   M E T R O   R I C H M O N D

Digital Marketing Test

Motion Ad

Motion Ad

Facebook Ad Campaign - Test

Facebook Ad Campaign - Test



54% increase in calls + 13% increase in visits

Cohesive visuals and messaging across all digital channels.

Cohesive visuals and messaging across all digital channels.

O U R   D A I L Y   B R E A D   M I N I S T R I E S

Integrated Digital Marketing  |  Research, Strategy, Creative Concepts

Daily Text - concept

Daily Text - concept

Daily Email - concept

Daily Email - concept

Website Landing Page - concept

Website Landing Page - concept

Integrated Digital Marketing: Text, Email, Social Ads - concepts

Integrated Digital Marketing: Text, Email, Social Ads - concepts



Lottie Moon Christmas Campaign

Our creative direction and campaign guidelines equipped IMB’s social media team with compelling visuals and messaging to promote the campaign online.

Our creative direction and campaign guidelines equipped IMB’s social media team with compelling visuals and messaging to promote the campaign online.





C A R Y   C H R I S T I A N   S C H O O L

Vision Launch Campaign

Social Media Campaign

Social Media Campaign

Vision-casting Video

Vision-casting Video

Social Media

Social Media

Campaign Launch Email

Campaign Launch Email


Put our expertise to work for your ministry.