Case Statements Case Study — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

Core to any major fundraising campaign, a case statement helps you build donor support by highlighting your ministry’s purpose and effectiveness, and also clearly establishes the who, what, why, and goals of your initiative.

Case statements can be printed or digital, pairing compelling images and data with thematic messaging that invites donors into your story and, ultimately, to support your campaign.


Each of the clients featured here were at various stages of growth when they came to us to create their case statements. Summit Christian Academy needed to expand building capacity to serve more students. The Association of Classical Christian Schools focused on extending the awareness and availability of classical Christian education. Faith Christian School wanted to pursue greater investment in students and faculty, as well as retire debt. Imago Dei Neighborhood School sought support to launch their work. Veritas School desired to purchase and renovate an additional building and grow an endowment fund.



We began each project by identifying the strategic promise, proofs, and call to action for the campaign case statements. From there, we created an overarching theme and captivating visuals and messaging to draw donors into the piece and help them better understand how their gifts further the work of each ministry.

A S S O C I A T I O N   O F   C L A S S I C A L   C H R I S T I A N   S C H O O L S

Change the Course of Generations

Available in both digital and print.

Available in both digital and print.

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F A I T H   C H R I S T I A N   S C H O O L

Creating His Masterpiece

Available in both digital and print.

Available in both digital and print.

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Put our expertise to work for your ministry.


I M A G O   D E I   N E I G H B O R H O O D  S C H O O L

Bringing Learning to Life

Available in both digital and print.

Available in both digital and print.

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S U M M I T   C H R I S T I A N   A C A D E M Y

Reaching New Heights

Available in both print and digital

Available in both print and digital

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Put our expertise to work for your ministry.