Thorough research created a road map for Serge's new brand — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

Understanding the heart of Serge's ministry and what's important to their audiences provided direction for the rebrand project.

Our work with Serge began with a series of leadership alignment workshops with their Executive Leadership Team in Philadelphia. These meetings helped us more deeply understand the heart of their ministry, the ways their teams work across the globe, and the people they desire to serve.

A key component of understanding Serge was attending their mission wide conference. We spent time with missionaries, staff, and board members through interviews, focus groups, and informal meet-ups. This allowed us to listen and learn in-depth about the heart of Serge from the people who live its mission every day. We gathered stories, captured common themes, and collected key words that guided our thinking as we developed communication plans, visuals, and messaging.

Using the information gleaned from the leadership alignment workshops, our team developed a brand assessment survey sent to Serge’s staff and supporters. The survey helped us understand the needs of their audiences, improve their communication tools, and establish a benchmark for future comparison.

