Aligning on why, who, and how of communication — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

A Leadership Alignment Workshop brought the leaders of Music Mission Kiev together on key strategic decisions.

Before you embark on any communications project for your ministry, it's vital to answer the questions: Who are we trying to reach? And what do we want to tell them?

After that, it's critical to get everyone on the same page so your message is clear and focused. That's the goal of a Leadership Alignment Workshop.

Music Mission Kiev's website project began with this important step. Over the course of two half-day sessions, our team walked the ministry's leaders through a series of questions and exercises that helped them align on a number of strategic decisions, including:

  • The need for a website change
  • The main audience for the new website (U.S.-based donors)
  • The goal of the new site (increase donor engagement)

As we worked through these topics together, we also prioritized music as the hinge point of Music Mission Kiev's ministry opportunities. It's the basis of their founding, and from that flows the rest of the many ways they serve the people of Ukraine. Alignment on this decision guided the communication hierarchy of the website.

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