A strategic campaign helped ACSI drive membership renewals — Kumveka | Marketing on Mission

Compelling visuals and messaging worked together to build a clear, cohesive membership renewal campaign.

The health of ACSI depends on its membership. This isn't just a financial model; member schools connect with, support, and encourage one another. That's why membership renewal is a central part of ACSI's marketing efforts.

The membership renewal campaign we developed for ACSI strategically focused on reminding members that membership makes their schools stronger (a nod to the tagline). Each piece then outlined key proof points that backed up this promise and contained a specific call to action to encourage schools to renew. This strategy, complemented by ACSI's strong brand elements, created a cohesive campaign look and feel. The compelling visuals drew people in and the bold, direct copy appealed to them to act.

The multi-faceted approach included emails, mailed letters, articles in the monthly Snapshot email to heads of school, and reminder postcards.

